Dear legends families,
If you are interested in having your child to be considered for a spot on one of our tournament teams heading to San Diego State games over President day, please contact the coaches directly asap. Players who make the team will be provided a link to register and book the host hotel as all participants MUST STAY with the team as the selected host hotel. The tournament requires (mandatory) teams to support their choices of hotels.
Coaches will build teams without tryouts, however, they will be watching legends games in an effort to build the best teams possible as Cal state is fairly competitive in the B divisions.
Head coach Sergio Movilla @
> Bantam B
> Peewee B
Head coach Peter Endrigian @
> Squirt B
> Mite B
Tournament Name:
California State Games (President day weekend)
location: San Diego
Dates: February 16-19, 2024
Cost is $305
Includes tournament team entry fee
One share team practice (8/10U and 12/14U)
Uniform (gold)
Any questions, contact us at
Hockey Office
Michael Doty
James Gasseau