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Create adult account (Jump to instructions)
Complete your adult training
Create a youth account for each child in your family (Jump to instructions)
Youths complete their youth training.
CAHA reports your completion to the club automatically, this may take a few days.
Go to the Adult Anti-Bullying/Inclusion Training
Choose New to this program?
Choose New User
Complete the Account Information section
Notes on the Username
Must be unique for every youth and adult.
Complete the Profile Information section
Free USA Hockey membership for volunteers and parents USA Hockey Registration
Complete the registration with the green button at the bottom of the page.
Begin the training by clicking Program Access
Go to the Youth Anti-Bullying/Inclusion Training
Choose New to this program?
Choose New User
Complete the Account Information section
Notes on the Username
Must be unique for every youth and adult.
Does NOT need to be an email address for children
Do not use the adult’s email for the username or it will link to your account.
Make sure you write it down
Complete the Profile Information section
First and Last name of the CHILD
Email address of the ADULT
Birthdate of the CHILD
USA Hockey Number of the CHILD
CAHA Anti-Bullying Certificate of the ADULT
Create adult account (Jump to instructions)
Complete your adult training
Create a youth account for each child in your family (Jump to instructions)